So You are Moving…..
So You are Moving….. Now What? You have decided to move and it is not fun for a lot of people. Here are a few things to think about to help remove some of the stress of the whole process. Now, let’s get you and your family ready to leave. Here are a few things I have learned over my military career: 1. Moving is the perfect time to declutter. If you are anything like me you have collected a few things. Take this opportunity to go thru stuff and decide if it is something you really need any more. A rule of thumb I have learned from my wife is if you haven’t used it in 6 six months or even knew you still had it then it may be time to part ways with it. Donate it, have a yard sale and use the money towards something fun on the trip or throw it out. 2. If you are having movers pack your belongings up and move them to your destination, make sure you have about 1-2 weeks of work/school clothes. You never know if there will be a delay in ...